Now available for download is the new Java LJUD wrapper and examples for the Windows UD library (LabJack U3, U6 and UE9 driver). Using JNA it provides 32 and 64-bit Java support. This replaces the old Java LJUD wrapper which used a JNI dll and only supported 32-bit Java. For full details refer to the Java LJUD download's README.txt file.
Here is a simple code demonstration to read the voltage from AIN1 on the U6 ...
import com.sun.jna.*; import com.sun.jna.ptr.*; import com.labjack.LJUD; import com.labjack.LJUDException; public class U6Ain1 { public U6Ain1() { } public static void main(String[] args) { try { int intHandle = 0; IntByReference refHandle = new IntByReference(0); DoubleByReference refVoltage = new DoubleByReference(0.0); //Positive channel = 1 (AIN1) int posChannel = 1; //Negative channel = 199 (single-ended) int negChannel = 199; //Range = +/- 10V int range = LJUD.Constants.rgBIP10V; //Resolution Index = 8 (Effective resolution with // +/- 10V range = 16 bits) int resolutionIndex = 1; //Settling = 0 (Auto) int settling = 0; //Open the first found LabJack U6. LJUD.openLabJack(LJUD.Constants.dtU6, LJUD.Constants.ctUSB, "1", 1, refHandle); intHandle = refHandle.getValue(); //Take a measurement from AIN1 and display it. LJUD.eAIN(intHandle, posChannel, negChannel, refVoltage, range, resolutionIndex, settling, 0, 0, 0); System.out.println("AIN" + posChannel + " = " + refVoltage.getValue() + " volts"); } catch(LJUDException le) { le.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }