- 20 Digital I/O-Use our CB15 Terminal Board for access to all DIO
- Supports SPI, I2C, and more... (Master Only)
- up to 9 PWM Outputs with individual phase control
- up to 9 Pulse Outputs with configurable number, frequency, and width
- up to 9 Frequency Inputs returning both frequency and period
- up to 9 Pulse Width Inputs measuring time spent high and low as well as duty cycle
- up to 3 pairs Line-to-Line Inputs measuring the time between edges on 2 different lines
- up to 8 High-Speed Counters
- up to 16 Software Counters with debounce capabilities
- up to 8 Pairs of Quadrature Inputs
Many of these DIO Extended Features share pins and cannot be used at the same time. See the DIO Extended Features section of the T8's datasheet