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13.6 1-Wire [T-Series Datasheet]


1-Wire is a serial protocol that uses only one data line. Multiple devices can be connected to a single 1-Wire bus and are differentiated using a unique 64-bit number referred to as ROM.

1-Wire is considered an advanced topic. A good knowledge of the protocol is recommended. Troubleshooting may require a logic analyzer or oscilloscope.

The 1-Wire app-note is a good place to start.

1-Wire Support

T-series devices can send and receive data over the 1-Wire bus. The below sections cover the necessary hardware setup considerations and describe how to use the various operations that can be performed over the 1-Wire bus.

Lua scripting is often convenient for serial applications. For example, a script can run the serial communication at a specified interval, and put the results in USER_RAM registers. The host software can read from the USER_RAM registers when convenient. This puts the complications of serial communication in a script running on the T-series device. The Lua examples contain several serial communication examples.


Devices on the 1-Wire bus need to be connected to GND, to Vs, and to the data line DQ. DQ also needs a pullup resister of 2.2-4.7 kΩ to Vs.

FIO lines cannot be used for 1-Wire. They have too much impedance, which prevents the signal from reaching the logic thresholds.

T-series devices supports a DPU (dynamic pull up). A dynamic pull up uses an external circuit such as a transistor to provide extra power to the DQ line at proper times. This can be helpful if the line is large or you are using parasitic power.

Device Control Basics

  • All T-series device features are controlled by reading and writing Modbus TCP registers via Modbus TCP (either directly or through our LJM library).

  • We have register descriptions throughout documentation detailing relevant register names, starting addresses, types, and access permissions (read/write).

  • See Section 3.0 Communication for other detailed communication information.


ONEWIRE_DQ_DIONUM: This is the DIO line to use for the data line, DQ.
ONEWIRE_DPU_DIONUM: This is the DIO line to use for the dynamic pullup control.
ONEWIRE_OPTIONS: A bit-mask for controlling operation details:

  • bit 0: Reserved, write 0.

  • bit 1: Reserved, write 0.

  • bit 2: DPU Enable. Write 1 to enable the dynamic pullup.

  • bit 3: DPU Polarity. Write 1 to set the active state as high, 0 to set the active state as low.

ONEWIRE_FUNCTION: This controls how the ROM address of 1-Wire devices will be used.
ONEWIRE_NUM_BYTES_TX: The number of bytes to transmit to the device. Has no affect when the ROM function is set to Search or Read.
ONEWIRE_NUM_BYTES_RX: The number of bytes to read from the device. Has no affect when the ROM function is set to Search or Read.
ONEWIRE_ROM_MATCH_H: The upper 32-bits of the ROM of the device to attempt to connect to when using the Match ROM function.
ONEWIRE_ROM_MATCH_L: The lower 32-bits of the ROM of the device to attempt to connect to when using the Match ROM function.
ONEWIRE_PATH_H: Upper 32-bits of the search path.
ONEWIRE_PATH_L: Lower 32-bits of the search path.

ROM Functions

0xF0: Search – This function will read the ROM of one device on the bus. The ROM found is placed in ONEWIRE_SEARCH_RESULT and if other devices were detected the branch bits will be set in ONEWIRE_ROM_BRANCHS_FOUND.

0xCC: Skip – This function will skip the ROM addressing step. For this to work properly only one device may be connected to the bus.

0x55: Match – When using this function data will be sent to and read from a device whose ROM matches the ROM loaded into the ONEWIRE_ROM_MATCH registers.

0x33: Read – Reads the ROM of the connected device. For this to work properly only one device may be connected to the bus.

When writing/reading the TX and RX data using direct Modbus TCP communications, you should process data as a raw byte array rather than casting each byte as a 16-bit value. This means there will be two data bytes in each Modbus register written/read.

Sending data

When using the Match or Skip Rom functions data can be sent to the device. To do so, set the number of bytes to send by writing to ONEWIRE_NUM_BYTES_RX and write the data to ONEWIRE_DATA_RX.

Reading data

When using the Match or Skip Rom functions data can be read from the device. To do so, set the number of bytes to send by writing to ONEWIRE_NUM_BYTES_TX and write the data to ONEWIRE_DATA_TX.


Configure the T-series device's 1-Wire interface, and obtain a temperature reading from a DS18B22.

Configuration: Write the common configuration that will not change; the DQ line, DPU, and options. For this example we will use EIO6 (14) as DQ, and the DPU will be left disabled.


Read ROM: The 64-bit ROM can be read from the device using the Read ROM function if it is the only device on the bus.


The T-series device will read the ROM from the connected device and place it in the ONEWIRE_SEARCH_RESULT registers. The ONEWIRE_SEARCH_RESULT_H register will have the upper 32-bits of the ROM read, ONEWIRE_SEARCH_RESULT_L will have the lower 32-bits of the ROM read. This test resulted in a read ROM code of 0x1D000005908D4728; 0x1D000005 was read from ONEWIRE_SEARCH_RESULT_H and 0x908D4728 was read from ONEWIRE_SEARCH_RESULT_L.

Search for ROM: If there is more than one device on the bus the search function can be used to find the ROM of one of the devices. Note that this method does not provide any information about which device has the ROM discovered.


The T-series device will perform the 1-Wire search function. If a ROM is found it will be placed in ONEWIRE_ROM_SEARCH_RESULT and any branches detected will be indicated in ONEWIRE_BRANCHES. The ONEWIRE_PATH field can be used to direct the LabJack to take a different path in subsequent searches.

ROM - 0x1D000005908D4728
Branches - 0x00000000000002

Now repeat the search with path set to 2.

ROM - 0xFF00000024AD2C22
Branches - 0x00000000000002

The search can be repeated to find the ROM codes of all devices on the bus.

Write start conversion command to the device:
Do instruct the sensor to start a reading we need to match the device's ROM and send one data byte. The data byte contains the instruction 0x44.

ONEWIRE_ROM = 0x1D000005908D4728

The sensor will now start a conversion. Depending on the sensor and it's settings up to 500 ms may be needed to complete the conversion.

Read conversion result from the device: After a conversion has been complete we can begin the reading process. This time we need to write the read instruction which is 0x44 and then read 9 bytes of data.

ONEWIRE_ROM = 0x1D000005908D4728

We can now read the 9 bytes from ONEWIRE_DATA_RX:
0x6A, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0xAD, 0x2C, 0x22, 0x00

The 9 bytes contain the binary reading, a checksum, and some other information about the device. The devices used was set to 12-bit resolution so the conversion is 0.0625ºC/bit. The binary result is data[0] + data[1]*256. The binary temperature reading is 1*256 + 0x6A = 256 + 106 = 362. To convert that to ºC multiply by 0.0625. So the final temperature is 22.6 ºC.

Register Listing

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